The focus on Friday was Growing in Faith, allowing students to reflect on the foundation of our community’s values. Our morning devotion was on the Great Commandment, a key element in the school’s Statement of Faith. Some inclement weather forced us to postpone our planned outdoor activity, which was no problem whatsoever with DBA’s unique flexible schedule. The class engaged in a lesson on academic integrity by reviewing scenarios involving honor issues. The students then wrote their own Honor Code that reflected their commitment to academic honesty.

After break, we concluded our discussion of the Person of the Week, our school’s namesake Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Each student shared what they learned from Pastor Bonhoeffer’s life story. Next, we had our first mindfulness moment, spending some time in quiet meditation in the classroom.

A long awaited break in the weather allowed us to get outside for our major activity of the day. We engaged in a trust exercise in the labyrinth on our campus at Faith Lutheran Bellaire. Although we had some challenges along the way, it ended up being a golden opportunity to promote a growth mindset and learn to overcome obstacles.

For the students, a highlight was lunch, a special takeout meal to celebrate the end of Life Together Week. We then moved on in the afternoon to take care of some remaining business, including the important technology orientation.

We concluded the week with a routine that is already becoming habit for the students. After writing in our Reflection Journals, the students completed different chores to clean and reset the classroom. We then went around the circle sharing some highs and lows from the day. Finally, we close our days as we always do, by joining hands and saying the Lord’s Prayer.
It has been a joy to share about the adventures of Life Together Week. As we begin our regular academic program, we hope that you will continue to walk this journey with us. Stay tuned for more updates on the incredible learning program being forged at DBA!