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Physical Education at DBA

Making fitness fun. At DBA, we take a recreational approach to PE to help kids enjoy staying active. Discover more about how our physical education classes meet the needs of students today.

Afternoon Activity

Timing is everything. We get out in the afternoon when middle school students most need a break. Through our special schedule, we help make the most of the time inside and outside the classroom.

Fun and games

Let’s play a game. We spend our sessions having fun in a variety of recreational activities. From Capture the Flag to Ultimate Frisbee to Pickleball, we always have a good time in PE class.

Total Wellness

Healthy living for everyone. Our physical education courses include support for fitness activities at home. By caring for the whole person, we help students be all that they can be.

Highlights of Physical Education at DBA


  • PE (Required)

PE Program

Physical Education class is a required element of our school program. The opportunity for physical activity on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons provides a key outlet for middle school students as part of their social and emotional development.