Day 2 was another fantastic day for our students! Wednesday’s theme was Making Decisions, where students learned different skills and strategies for both individual and collaborative decisions. We opened with a reflection on Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken” in the context of the day’s theme. In a school friendly session of “Would You Rather,” students discussed why they chose the side they did. We then used the game “Apples to Apples” to provide further practice on articulating the decision making process while also building vocabulary.

We returned from recess to revisit our conversation about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, focusing on his choice of difficult over easy paths. The students then took notes on a lesson that introduced them to persuasion strategies and Robert’s Rules of Order. They then put those tools to good use in a meeting to discuss potential mascots for DBA.

In the afternoon, we picked up our conversation on DBA’s Core Values by unpacking the meaning of the word imagination. Students then held individual meetings with Coach Lerch to receive immediate feedback on the planning work for their Summer Adventure Project. We came together again to discussion nominations for the first class book of the year. The day concluded with students reflecting in their journals about the learning experiences that took place. Up next for Life Together Week on Day 3 is Managing Resources!