Each week, the DBA community reflects on the life of an individual whose courageous actions have transformed the world. These persons demonstrate the core values of our school and inspire students to make a difference for others. Click on the names to learn more about each of these incredible persons.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Nazi Resister and Martyr
William Wilberforce
Campaign to Abolish the Slave Trade
Maria Montessori
Educational Innovator
Mother Teresa
Friend of the Neglected and Saint
Florence Nightingale
Revolutionizer of Nursing
Elie Wiesel
Holocaust Author and Humanitarian
Mohandas Gandhi
Great Soul of Peace and Freedom
St. Francis of Assisi
Friend of the Poor and Animals
John Wooden
Inspirational Coach and Mentor
C.S. Lewis
Christian Author and Apologist
Sojourner Truth
Crusader for abolition and women’s rights
Sarah Josepha Hale
Author, Social Advocate, and the “Mother of Thanksgiving”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil Rights Leader and International Icon
Eric Liddell
Olympic Champion and Martyred Missionary
Rosa Parks
Civil Rights Activist and Inspirational Figure
Richard Allen
Abolitionist Preacher and Founder of the AME Church
Frederick Douglass
Famed Orator and Abolitionist Leaders
Harriet Tubman
Underground Railroad Conductor and Civil War Hero
Fred Rogers
Beloved Children’s Television Host
Jackie Robinson
Athletic Legend and Civil Rights Pioneer
Gudina Tumsa
Ethiopian Pastor and Martyr